Eggnog, or some early variant of it has been around since the 13th Century. Because sherry and brandy, more traditional alcohols included in the drink, were not widely available to commoners, eggnog was more a drink of the wealthier classes. By the 1700s, the discovery of rum–a widely available alcohol in the Caribbean and American colonies–made it far easier for everyone to enjoy. Our favorite historical pirate figures could very well have spent some time in a tavern drinking some variation of this holiday favorite.
What makes our variant of grog nog–eggnog made with rum–unique is the addition of cranberry juice as a float on top, helping it live up to its “bloody”–and coincidentally festive–appearance.
For rum choices, any will do, but a dark spiced rum works well to counteract the sweet taste of the eggnog. A combo of Kraken and Goslings was used for this recipe.
For the eggnog itself, a recipe is included below. Since the recipe does involve raw eggs, consider store-bought pasteurized eggnog if you have any reservations.
- 1 oz Goslings Bermuda black rum
- 1 oz Kraken dark spiced rum
- 6 oz eggnog
- 1oz cranberry juice
- nutmeg
- cinnamon or peppermint stick
- Add the Goslings and Kraken to 6oz of eggnog in a traditional glass of your choice. Mix evenly.
- Float drops of cranberry juice on top. Be gentle–it’ll sink to the bottom if you add it too quickly or all at once.
- Sprinkle nutmeg on top to the amount of your liking.
- Garnish with a cinnamon or peppermint stick.
Homemade Eggnog
NOTE: Remember, this recipe calls for raw eggs. We recommend using pasteurized eggs. In addition, letting your eggnog sit and cure in the fridge over a few days with the added alcohol will help kill any excess bacterial contamination.
- 4 large eggs
- 1/2 cup of pure cane sugar
- 1 tablespoon vanilla or vanilla extract (I have some pure vanilla from Haiti that I used for this recipe)
- 1/3 tsp of nutmeg
- 3 cups of milk
- 3/4 cup of heavy cream
1. Separate the egg whites and yolks into two separate bowls.
2. Whisk the egg yolks together with the sugar until even and smooth.
3. Mix in the milk, heavy cream, vanilla, and nutmeg.
4. Whisk in the egg whites last before chilling and serving.