Go Compact and Portable with a Globe Replica Bar

For August’s home bar, I’ve selected the iconic globe replica bar. This one shown is a 16th Century replica globe. While the Golden Age of piracy wasn’t until the 18th Century, there were pirates back in the 16th Century like Sir Francis Drake (he may have been more of a privateer, but he still did plenty of things that put him in the pirate category).
The benefits for a small globe bar like this include portability, its compact nature, and cost. It can easily fit in a corner or small nook and stay out of the way until you need it. Most of these are also not over $150 and there are a couple different variations.
The downside to a bar this small of course is the limited space for bottles and glasses. You may be looking at a limit of a 5- bottle bar. If you want a little more space though, you can try this variation with a longer shelf extension.
In short, if you’re looking for a small start to a pirate-themed or otherwise classical home bar look, the globe bar may be a good fit for you. Check it out here.